Tah Dahhhh !!!
Isn't that what your family says whenever they're showing off something new?!!! Well, here it is (in its almost-complete photo). Without further ado . . .
Thee Lady Eleanor Stole from ScarfStyle

Huh? It's not done? Well as far as your picture shows, it is not done. However, I finished it Sunday and weaved in the ends and wore it to work on Monday!!! Huh? Why no picture of the finished product? Well, I have to find just the right model to wear it so you can see it as it drapes magnificently on someone (not me). An excuse? Uhmmm yes.
In the meantime, I've finished the back panel of the Vogue skirt and have begun earnestly on the front panel. Having just completed the lower section of lace-stripes, I'm ready for something more like stockinette for a bit. (Picture later.)
The Heifer Project
In case you have some money you want to use for a good cause besides getting me an Extreme Tickle Me Elmo, hop on over to WendyKnits and donate some funds to the Heifer Project. So far she's doubled her initial goal of $5,000. You have a chance to win something for each $10 you donate. I love that Lucy's waiting (daily) for some little chicks to show up ... alas she will be disappointed, but I think Lucy (and Wendy) will rejoice with all of us as good is done with the donations. Thanks Wendy!!!!
Special Friends
A shout out to blog-less Donna in Indianapolis. She's become a new knittin' buddy and has shared with me about some yarn purchases she made in Switzerland while vacationing recently. She and her sister-in-law, and my friend, Roberta, gifted me in a special way after a meaningful event we shared together last weekend on behalf of their late mother-in-law. Expecting nothing but "being a part" I received a BASKET-ful of African Violets and a yummy fruit basket on Monday. See for yourselves what beautiful gifts NICE people give (besides their friendship which, truly is priceless).
Some pics of the African Violets

(There are 10 separate pots in the basket !!!!!!!)
And the yummy fruitbasket from Paul's Fruit Market.

Thanks gals!!
Now for a word or two from Samson

Peek a boooooo!!! (er uhm ... No, I'm not one of the chicks Lucy keeps hoping for!!!)