The Red Cross Rocks !!!
It just came over me that I am really really impressed with the American Red Cross. Everyday people you wouldn't really know were Red Cross workers if you passed them in the market, and there they go, packing up quickly, leaving home and family, to care for others in desperate times in desperate need. Well-trained, multi-disciplined, caring people -- I think that's the job description for these folks. Thank you, thank you, thank you to you and your families who support you back home as you venture out to care for the most basic physical and psychological needs of people--strangers, yet not strangers.
Do you remember the scenes from the movie Bruce Almighty when Bruce kept hearing random voices in his head? God pointed out those were prayers. Thank you for adding to those voices every second as you raise up the names of people known and unknown to you by calling on our God to give mercy and support during these hard times in the Gulf Coast region.
Thank You
In our community people (hurricane refugees) have begun arriving seeking shelter. I know of a local church assisting two women who can't even access their bank accounts because the banking infrastructure is reliant on computers - thus electricity. If you have the means and hear of the need in your community, seek out a way to assist, whatever feels right for you.
Samson Sez:
"Knock. Knock."

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