The Promised Update Avec Photos
As promised, the latest, with photos. A crazy week indeed (perhaps that will now just be a given and any "difference" will be noted?). It's been a full week; let's just say that. And while I felt incredibly stressed at some points, I didn't cry. I didn't shoot anyone (don't own a gun). I didn't yell at anyone (in person). I did suffer from tunnel vision for one full work day, but can that ever be bad, really?
Started off the week dilly-dallying by the hostas when I caught sight of this HUGE garden spider (made me late to work, it did):

And here's the big honkin' spider with its shadow showing. It has an interesting zig-zag in the middle of its web. I've not seen it since so either it's foraging for food, dead, or the neighbor scared it away.

Speakin' of BUGZ
The next evening I went out to my car for something and was greeted by a VERY LOUD and VERY LARGE cicada (be glad I don't know how to upload sound, otherwise you'd get the rev-up and rev-down said cicada provided me as I stood by to photograph him (her?). [This makes me certain, too, that if my neighbors didn't already think I was a little strange, indeed taking pictures of tree trunks in the otherwise-dark, would certainly be a signal here.] No quarter to use for comparison, but the bugger is about 3 - 4 inches long!!! (And it lengthens when it sings, then shrinks as it stops!! [don't go there])

Wednesday was a wash, and Thursday was catching up on sleep time. Actually I knitted while hanging out at my sister's so I'll show that soon since it's a scarf I need YOUR advice on.
What Stress?
Did some more stash building today. (Have discovered this is my stress releasor.) AND I found a way to save money and still look through good knit books -- GO TO THE LIBRARY!!! Whew! I think I walked out of there with 8 books and my wallet is very happy about that. Tonight I did go to an actual bookstore and looked at the new Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter from the author of At Knit's End. Will purchase that tomorrow since tonight I used my 25% off coupon on The Best of Knitter's Magazine: Shawls and Scarves. I am so lucky to have FIVE LYS and FOUR Borders Bookstores in my town. Can't imagine life in a small town!!! (just kidding, sis!!)
Have I mentioned the DAWG?
Kramer is not actually "my" dog, but I live in a house behind a house, so Kramer comes back to see me for doggy bones and to welcome me home (for doggy bones) and to check on me from time to time (for doggy bones). Get the picture? He's getting older now and his hearing is going a bit, but he still "talks" to me when he wants a doggy treat -- and get one he does. Here he is laying in the hall at his house (he's part German Shephard and part Black Labrador).

Samson Sez:
"HI THERE! WHATCHYA DOIN'?!!" - when I was otherwise in take-shower mode a little gray-feathered head appeared around the corner of the shower curtain.

Here's Samson on Wednesday, when he beat me to the shower (can't stop the birdie from takin' his weekly shower, especially since it was a few days overdue!).
Oh my GOSH what a big spider!! I think I may have actually made it to work FASTER with my heart racing from seeing a guy like that. I am beginning to feel the knitting itch coming along for me too. The air has finally gotten a little cooler here in PA and the leaves are starting to turn. I got a great pair of red shoes at Target and I am thinking there might need to be a red scarf to match them. Project land, here I come!! Have a wonderful day, dearest darling Auntie Godfrey!
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