Knitting ADD
Borrowed the title from Holly -- but it's so appropos for this weekend. I went travelling from LYS to LYS and picked up a little something at three out of five. Needed yarn? Sure! I was looking for a pattern (didn't want to look at the books and magazines here at home) for the cheerful Cherry Tree Hill Cotton Boucle Mini in the "Country Garden " colorway I won through the Give-A-Little campaign (see Katrina Relief button in sidebar) created by Margene and Susan.
Here's 510 yards of FUN on a STICK just waiting to happen!

Here's a close-up.

Eunice in North Carolina sent the lovely prize along with "the cutest" card!! (Thanks Eunice!!)

Close-Knit Cafe
So I went to the newest of the LYS for a spot of lunch - Close-Knit Cafe - and another look at the Elizabeth Austen project bags I've been contemplating for a few weeks now.
Here's the cafe-side.

And here's the beginnings of a wonderful future for Close-Knit customers. Judy carries freedom, GGH, Sockatta, Butterfly (a Greek Mercerized Cotton), Elsebeth Lavold Silky Tweed, and much more! (If the sheep were BLUE, it would be the sib of one of Alison's sheep pictured in her blog button!)

This evening's sky was as beautiful as the day's weather. Thanks, Sandy, for the reminder to look UP!

Samson Sez:
"Will you be okay if I leave you out while I'm gone?" Here's the apple-covered-beak lovely photographed within the past hour.

I was just looking at that picture of the Close-Knit Cafe, and I thought, "Who's that behind the counter? Her hair looks like mine." Duh, it was me! Not only that, but the woman who's cut off on the right is my mom. (Her basset hound purse is a dead giveaway!)
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