Another Knitted Item DONE !
Indeed, it's true!!! I have completed another knitted item! This one is a sweet hoodie from Debbie Bliss's Simply Soft book. Done in Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Astrakhan with a Baby Cashmerino edging, I think my grand niece will look cool and cute in it next Spring!!
And here's Samson taking a break from his treats to say "Hi"
Dr. Seuss On the Loose
One Sock, Two Sock ...
First, let me say that THIS is what happens when one black sock goes in the wash with the white load and one goes where it was supposed to:
One Sock, Two Sock Gray Sock, Black Sock
Fortunately, my mom gave me a pair of snazzy Laredo boots that don't allow my socks to be seen (Thanks MOM!)

One Sock, Two Sock White Sock, Green Sock
Yes, actual knitting has gone on. And, No, I do not plan to wear these as a pair -- their mates are beginning this week. The left sock is with Plymouth's Sockotta using pattern S121. Of course, after working on the sole (see below) I realized this would be a great yarn to knit in stockinette instead of a pattern to see the true beauty of the yarn. Alas... On the right is Skacel's Trekking XXL (colorway 100) with a pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks. I knitted the former on 5" dpns and the latter on two circulars - my first go with circs for socks. It was pretty straightforward after I got going and the gusset decreases were not a problem once I believed understood what the pattern wanted me to do.
The one on the left - pattern and sole ...

The one on the right - pattern and sole ...
I learned the reason for using long circulars for socks is because the needles might otherwise be right in your way if you use 16" circs. I will have to let you know which I prefer because the circs weren't too bad, I think mostly just the learning curve was where I struggled.Not just socks
And yes, I HAVE BEEN KNITTING other things, too, even though I've not shown you pictures lately. Here's the swatch from the Multidirectional Knitting Class with Iris Schreier at the TNNA Market. This is the "shapes to learn" for the Sheer One Piece Shawl in Modular Knitting.
And here's the actual Shawl begun with Artyarns Regal Silk (loving it!!)
Samson Sez:
Mr. T-perch has become his favorite "hiding place". Each night before tickle-time, Samson goes behind Mr. T-perch and ducks as if I can't see him. I say, "Where's Samson?", and he pops up so his head is above the t-bar -- and I say "There he IS!!" He's quite silly about it all, really.
Name Dropper? Me?!!!
He, he, he. Just when you thought I was done... I have few more names to share!!
I know, I can't believe it either. Now you might understand why I was soooo exhausted when I returned home -- still coming down off the "celebrity-meetin' high"!!!
Met the Yarn Girls: Julie Carles and Jordana Jacobs and received The Yarn Girl's Guide to Knits for Older Kids.Edie Eckman, author of The Crochet Answer Book was great! As was Margaret Radcliffe, author of The Knitting Answer Book! Maggie said her 13-year-old daughter told her her book was "very encouraging"!! Now that's a compliment!!!!!!!
When I saw the logo over the booth for Inknitiative - I suddenly felt I was at home. I've longingly looked at Natalie's designs online and got to meet her in person. I love the ruffled scarf I made from her pattern.
As I was walking through the Market, I overheard a familiar voice, and turned to see Shay Pendray of PBS's Needle Arts Studio !!! Once again - in the presence of greatness!!
Juli Dewar of Knitiot was very personable! We love her t-shirts and other neat knitting-related "stuff".
Winding down a bit now....
Met Uyvonne Brigham who shows double-knitting on DIY's Knitty Gritty. She was at Lily Chin's booth and invited me to come visit when I head to Philadelphia in July. I'm gonna try to get up to Bucks County Knitting for a visit!
Rita Weiss signed her 24-Hour Crochet Projects
Helen Gibb signed her Ribbonwork: The Complete Guide, Techniques for Making Ribbon Flowers and Trimmings. It's a beautiful collection of history and lessons all in one!
Claudia!!! Of Claudia's Hand-Painted Yarns.
I'm sure they all got tired of me saying excitedly, "YOU'RE __FILL IN THEIR NAME HERE__!!!" Fortunately I got polite smiles in response to my zealousness!!
Samson Sez
Supper? Supper?

Talk about your one-track mind! :-)
Inspired ! ! !
The word that best describes my feeling after a weekend at the TNNA Market in Indianapolis, Indiana!!! And a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Judy for inviting me along!!!!! Thanks Judy!!!!! The TNNA Market is for retailers of needle arts businesses, whether it's needlepoint, cross-stitch, or other of what I think of when I hear "needle arts", or knitting or crochet or a lot in between involving fiber and creativity!
I promised to blog when I got home, but was so worn out from being star-struck and miles-weary that I couldn't bring myself to compose. Alas, here we are...
I mentioned star-struck? You bet. I met some wonderful authors and designers and got to see and feel a mirage of beautiful fiber calling for me to talk Judy into carrying it in the shop!! They're like sirens, those yarn skeins!!!
Met and spoke to the following:
Debbie Bliss
Louisa Harding
Maggie Jackson
Marilyn Murphy, publisher of Interweave Press
Vickie Howell of Do-It-Yourself Network's Knitty Gritty and Stylicious who rocks and is as wonderful in person as she is on air!!Kay Gardiner and Ann Meador Shayne of Mason-Dixon Knitting blog and book fame !!!
Candi Jensen, down-to-earth gal who designs great knit and crochet garments and bags (Candi, Vickie was looking for you, did she find you?)
Tara Jon Manning, who is a "real" person, too. Perhaps we can get her to hold a "Mindful Knitting Retreat" in our area?
Melissa Leapman, another designer and author I came to know through Knitty Gritty and have now met in person.
Melanie Falick, who signed Handknit Holidays for us!!
Debbie Stoller, a rockin' chick who signed Happy Hooker for us -- and was great though it was the end of the day and she was tired.
Nicky Epstein, who has more energy than I don't know what!! Book signings, bag signings, up and around talking to people for a couple of days -- you go girllll!
Iris Schreier, another "real" person who was very open to talking to folks who came by and very helpful on selections for projects for our customers to do using those hand-painted beauties. Thanks for the class on the one-piece shawl -- our customers will love the design!!
Jane Davis, who has beautiful creations in Knit Ponchos, Wraps & Scarves. Beautiful projects to tease the senses.
Suss Cousins, who signed Home Knits for us. Great projects!Met Annie Modesitt at the Artyarns booth showing a couple of designs she's made for Iris's yarns. Annie is tall and very funny!!!!!!
Leigh Radford, who signed AlterKnits for us (I've been inspired to go free-form!).
Okay, that's enough name-dropping for one day's blogging.
Where are the Pictures?!!!
If you know anything about retailers' trade shows, you know cameras aren't allowed!!! So you're just gonna have to take my word for it that I saw these folks. I do have other witnesses, both from the store and from the book-signing lines where I made some "line-buddies" the first couple of days. "We'll always have the 1:00 line for ...."
Samson ....
Samson did not get to go to Indy with me, so Grandma came over to see him and feed him and talk to him. Samson loves grandma and looks forward to mama's bike trip next month so he can see more of Grandma again! Not only can Samson talk, but looks like he likes the newspaper, too (he's reading upside down!!). Silly Samson!

Star Struck !!!
Hi from the TNNA Market !!! I'm having a great time!! Seeing beautiful fibers!! Making new friends and seeing great authors and designers!!! I have been accused of becoming a namedropper!! So be it. I'll blog more once I'm home on my regular computer instead of sittin' here on the hotel room bed with a borrowed laptop.Shout out to Marie and Lizzie !!! A couple of my line buddies!!!!More after I get home Monday evening! Thanks for stopping by -- I know some of you have lost heart since I've not blogged in so long. Well it's been about a year since I started and I'm ready to go some more.Samson Singz"Itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout... YAY!!"[sorry no picture of the big parrot, but he's there and I'm here.]